Chapter 39
The Death Knell Rings, the Secret Manual is Unsealed!

【Wizard】Fred: "Is this a vision? Do all half-bloods react to dragon script like this?"

【Dragon Clan】Han Gao: "For the first time, half-bloods awaken their bloodline through a vision. A vision is a kind of mental hallucination. When mental power activates the dragon blood, fragments of the dragon DNA will cause the half-blood to see some hallucinations."

【Wizard】Hermione: "Could the reason why Lu Ming Fei didn't react be because he's already experienced a vision?"

【Dragon Clan】Gudrian: "Um, probably, maybe?"

【Wizard】Ginny: "Why didn't that blonde sister have a vision? Everyone look! The boy is back!"

Everyone noticed the boy sitting behind the blonde girl.

【Wizard】George: "Really, he just pops in and out, like a ghost!"

【Wizard】Hermione: "But don't you think he's really handsome!"

【Wizard】Ginny: "He is so handsome! Oh, I want to be friends with him!"

【Wizard】Ron: "Little sis, watch it, there are a lot of people here..."

【Dragon Clan】Suen Xi: "Tsk tsk tsk, he is indeed cute and charming, a real little boss."

【Dragon Clan】Mans Longdesteit: "Strange, what is this guy? A half-blood? Could he be a half-blood with an invisibility speech spirit?"

【Dragon Clan】Fingel: "Please, with the Night Watchman's law, how could anyone in our school use a speech spirit?"

【Wizard】Draco Malfoy: "It feels like this guy knows Lu Ming Fei, and they seem pretty close?"

【Dragon Clan】Lu Ming Fei: "Close my ass. I just saw him at the train station. I haven't seen him since, but why is this guy always following me..."

【Dragon Clan】Su Xiaoyan: "Are all kids so cute now! Oh, his little face is making me melt, cough, my Zi Hang was cuter when he was little, Zi Hang, mama loves you forever!"

【Dragon Clan】Chu Zi Hang: "...."

【Dragon Clan】Lu Ming Ze: "What the hell! This guy said his name is what! Lu Ming Ze is my name alright!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the boy's answer.

After the previous story introduction, the name Lu Ming Ze clearly belonged to Lu Ming Fei's chubby cousin.



Inside the Nibelungen subway.

Seeing the boy who reappeared, Xia Mi narrowed her eyes, "This guy... what is he..."

"Sister, sister... I'm hungry. I want chips."

A muffled voice echoed in the concrete pillars.

"Okay, okay, have chips, have chips." Xia Mi sighed, took out a bag of chips from behind her and threw it into the darkness.

"Thank you, sister."

A large black shadow passed by, biting onto the bag of chips.

On the screen:

Lu Ming Fei was also stunned after hearing the boy's answer.

"Ah? Lu Ming Ze? What a coincidence, the same name as my cousin." Lu Ming Fei thought to himself, bullshit.

His cousin was 160 cm tall, weighing 160 kg, in his puberty, with acne and pimples all over his face. He couldn't even find a girlfriend in school.

He looked nothing like this handsome boy in front of him, right?

But what the boy said next shocked him.

"Sunset, you're online."

The boy turned to stare at Lu Ming Fei, but what he said made Lu Ming Fei almost jump up!

He impersonated 'Sunset's Mark' on QQ.

He teased his cousin Lu Ming Ze every day. Every time he went online, Lu Ming Ze would immediately send him a message saying.

"Sunset, you're online?"

"Who are you!" Lu Ming Fei asked.

"Does it matter?" the boy tilted his head, "This is your vision, everyone's vision is different. When a half-blood's spirit and blood resonate, they will see what they desire most in their heart, the most primal, the most important thing. It is an honor for you to see me..." The boy smiled and said.

"Are you kidding? Visions aren't usually concrete images like that? Like random lines, distorted colors. You're telling me I'm having a vision now?" Lu Ming Fei thought it was absurd.

"The first two times I came to you, now you're the one who summoned me. Everyone who experiences a vision feels sadness and grief. They are all crying, they are all in despair. What about you?"

"Where are the sorrow and pain in your heart?" the boy asked softly.

Lu Ming Fei asked, "If visions are so painful, why aren't you..."

"It's that they are all very sad, because they see what is deep inside their hearts, then what about you? What is hidden deep inside your heart, something difficult to see?"

"Deeper than my heart? Isn't that down to my stomach?" Lu Ming Fei mumbled.

The boy suddenly sneered: "Humans are stupid things. You are too, it's just that they are genuinely stupid, and you deliberately make yourself foolish. You disguise yourself so thoroughly that you forget your true self. It's pathetic, isn't it?"

"The reason you're not sad is because I'm sad for you."

"It's cruel, isn't it?"

Lu Ming Fei suddenly noticed that the boy who claimed to be Lu Ming Ze had silently started crying at some point.

He was smiling, but tears flowed silently, silently诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼訴讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴讼诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟诉讼诉讼诉讼訴訟